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Benefit from the increased yield of hydroponics combined with the high quality of organic while minimizing your ecological footprint


The performance and biomass yields of productions obtained through agriculture in above-ground mode and in bioponic control are considerably higher than those obtained in conventional cultivation systems also using compost. In fact, it is possible to obtain at all sudden harvests in quantities greater than what is obtained in the open field.


A particularly interesting element of bioponic agriculture is the astonishing consistency in the biomass yield of cultivated plants. To within a few grams, the production of bell pepper, leek or corn varies very little. The aesthetic aspect of the productions is evident thus improved, especially for horticultural species whose flowering and fruiting well synchronization is an important part of success.


The organoleptic properties of crops obtained through bioponic agriculture are undeniable. Crunchy and vitamin-packed vegetables, high-quality, nutritious fruits full of flavor, herbs and aromatics with striking smells, medicinal plants bringing a great relief, as well as a quality of growth easily comparable to what is produced in full nature are certain assets for success that any producer will recognize.


Protection of the terrestrial substrate is ensured through the regular application of a consortium of microorganisms beneficial to plant health and yields. This is how our culture system allows the application of generally accepted principles of probiotics. The probiotic is a strategy designed to create and maintain the natural defenses of soil and plants against pathogens, while encouraging vigorous development and growth
as well as exceptional biomass yields.


Bioponic agriculture is designed to avoid wasting water and inputs. Very quantities precise nutrients and microbial conditioners can be delivered directly to the roots of plants, and the principle of capillary rise ensures optimal hydration and nutrition of feeder roots of plants in the compost phase. By being constantly supplied with nutrients, natural growth factors and water, plants can develop a dense, branched and very functional root system.

des radis

Bioponic cultivation technology offers the possibility of growing a very wide variety of plants horticultural, market gardening or shrub. In addition, this distinct and innovative approach to culture, which was tested for more than 25 years of experimental tests of all kinds, perfectly suited to many contexts of use, both in silk culture and in urban and peri-urban agriculture, in
interior landscaping or residential ornamental horticulture.


Bioponic agriculture uses only absolutely natural inputs and OMRI certified and ECOCERT CANADA. In addition, all residues are compostable, which effectively prevents the accumulation of greenhouse waste in landfills, such as waste of plastic as well as used bricks of glass wool. The instructions for use eliminate any form of discharge of excess water into the environment, thus preventing pollution of water bodies, eutrophication of lakes and disruption of aquatic life. No other sericulture technology does not have such a footprint on the environment.

Aloe vera

The bioponics approach is inspired by the functioning of natural systems. The system design prevents the formation of a root bun at the bottom of the growing units, promotes a lasting association between nourishing roots and arbuscular mycorrhizae, encourages the use of natural amendments found in the compost phase, and our microbial conditioner optimizes the uptake of organic nutrients through symbiosis rhizophageal. The result: very productive and very synchronized crops.

petite plante

Maintaining at root level a perfectly balanced environment in terms of its intrinsic components (soil-air-water) promotes functional segregation and differentiation of the root system of plants in three distinct zones of rhizosphere. Arbuscular mycorrhizae and the perfectly controlled microbial flora of the organic growing medium provide conditions optimal cultivation, which translate into many easily observable and quantifiable benefits at the level of growth and plant development.

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